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Garden elements

A wide range of garden elements serves for the beautification, but also the functionality of the surroundings of your house. Elegant and practical garden panels are used to decorate terraces, walkways, around swimming pools and garden rest areas. Their surface consists of natural materials - from river gravel to marble rubble - whose color shades have been created for thousands of years. They are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. If you are thinking about how to cover the walls with plants, we recommend our slope elements. The open bottom of the elements allows plants to take root optimally and grow without problems. Thanks to their low weight and dimensions, they can be quickly and easily stored even on steep terrains. Masonry elements can be used not only for the actual construction of supporting and load-bearing walls, but also for finishing paths and various details in garden architecture. In our offer, however, you will also find stair elements, terrace, pool or fence elements and other garden accessories that will ensure the harmony of the entire surroundings of your house.

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Brochures for download

Assembly instructions - high flower bed

Photo gallery


Project cost

Do not hesitate to contact our sales managers directly, who will help you with the selection of the garden assortment, with the calculation of elements and solve all your requirements.

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    Contact the dealer closest to you.

    Depending on the place of delivery of building materials, choose the region and the relevant sales manager, who will prepare a material cost estimate according to your project, help you with planning, or consult with you the entire construction professionally.

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    Western Slovakia:

    Region 1: 0910 917 285, sidonia.karlikova@leier.sk

    Bratislava, Senec, Pezinok, Malacky, Senica, Skalica, Trnava, Hlohovec, Nitra, Žarnovica, Žiar nad Hronom, Banská Štiavnica, Zvolen

    Region 2: 0905 616 587, filip.knotek@leier.sk

    Komárno, Nové Zámky, Levice, Šaľa, Dunajská Streda, Galanta, Zlaté Moravce, Krupina, Veľký Krtíš, Lučenec

    Region 3: 0940 608 261, jana.vrestiakova@leier.sk

    Piešťany, Myjava, Topoľčany, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Partizánske, Prievidza, Bánovce nad Bebravou, Trenčín, Ilava, Púchov, Považská Bystrica, Bytča, Žilina, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Čadca, Martin, Turčianske Teplice, Dolný Kubín, Tvrdošín, Námestovo, Ružomberok, Banská Bystrica, Detva

    Eastern Slovakia:

    Región 4: 0911 917 285, stefan.chobor@leier.sk

    Prešov, Poprad, Kežmarok, Stará Ľubovňa, Levoča, Sabinov, Bardejov, Svidník, Vranov nad Topľou, Humenné, Medzilaborce, Stropkov, Snina, Liptovský Mikuláš, Brezno

    Region 5: 0940 604 689, daniel.bobko@leier.sk

    Spišská Nová Ves, Gelnica, Košice, Trebišov, Michalovce, Sobrance, Poltár, Rimavská Sobota, Revúca, Rožňava