Durisol is an ecological building material on a natural basis, which saves the environment and at the same time maintains excellent physical properties. Its main raw material is wood, which is refined using a special mineralization method and processed with cement and water into a shape. These fittings are 100 % recyclable and are used in the ground construction of houses or in the construction of noise barriers. The fittings are stacked on top of each other dry, while insulation can be inserted into them, and they are then filled with concrete. The Durisol building system thus combines the advantages of wood, the effectiveness of thermal insulation and the strength of concrete. However, Durisol is a versatile and very durable material, thanks to which it has also found its use in garden architecture.
The main raw material in the production of fittings is wood - a renewable resource. Softwood offcuts are used, which can no longer be used technologically during processing. The production is without a burning process with minimal energy consumption. It releases hydrating heat, which helps to heat the production halls in the winter. Using a special method, wood chips are refined through mineralization and processed with cement and water into a molding. These fittings are 100 % recyclable and are shipped without pallets in packets. Polystyrene or mineral wool is added to the inside of the fittings and then the fitting is poured with concrete.
The advantages of individual materials are combined and disadvantages are eliminated.
This creates a unique and innovative system that saves not only nature, but also your health, time and money.
Thanks to their composition, Durisol fittings take over the properties of wood, they are easy to process, they can be cut, drilled, milled, nailed without losing their properties. Fittings can be processed even in winter and stored on the construction site in any weather. They are light, so working and handling them is very easy.
First, they are stacked dry on top of each other and then poured with concrete. They have a porous surface, which ensures an excellent connection with the plaster (surface treatments) and with the concrete itself (concrete core). Insulation is eliminated, which saves a lot of effort and time. The cavities in the fittings can be used for routing distribution lines and pipes.
Fastening to Durisol is very simple. For common items such as pictures and cabinets, it is normal to use a drill bit the same size as the required hole. In order to fasten weight-intensive objects, such as boilers, boilers and things fixed on consoles, it is necessary to fix them directly into the concrete. Durisol is also suitable for attaching wooden tiles from the interior or exterior.
Depending on the nature of the object being built, Durisol fittings have different thicknesses and properties, which is why they are the ideal building material for all buildings: such as family houses, multi-storey residential buildings, industrial buildings, and office buildings. Thanks to the concrete core, they are a stable construction that allows the architect's variable and original ideas to be realized even up to several floors high.
In addition to earthworks, they are often requested for the construction of noise barriers, and they are even made into special terrace flower pots that have found application in garden architecture. The offer also includes other products for the home and garden, such as palisades, a wine cabinet or raised flower beds, which are also made from Durisol.
Špičková tvarovka pre obvodové steny pasívnych a ultranízkoenergetických rodinných a bytových domov, administratívnych a polyfunkčných budov, hotelov a penziónov s vloženou tepelnou izoláciou - sivý polystyrén hrúbky 250 mm. Hrúbka priebežného betónoveho jadra je 120 mm. Stena z tvaroviek DSs45/12 L dosahuje parametre pasívneho domu aj bez dodatočného zateplenia, a to pri hrúbke steny len 450 mm. Rozmer tvarovky je 500x450x250, hmotnosť 1 tvarovky je 15 kg.
Produkt | Rozmery (cm) | ks/m2 | kg/ks | paleta | ks / paleta |
Durisol DSs 45/12 L grafitový polystyrén | 45x50x25 | 8 | 15 | EUR | 25 |
Durisol DSm 45/12 L minerálna vlna | 45x50x25 | 8 | 15 | EUR | 25 |
Durisol DSh 45/12 L drevovlákno | 45x50x25 | 8 | 15 | EUR | 25 |
Proven and popular 375 mm wide fitting with inserted thermal insulation - 175 mm thick gray polystyrene for perimeter walls of low-energy family and apartment buildings, administrative and multifunctional buildings. The thickness of the concrete core is 120 mm. The thermal resistance of an unplastered wall made of DSs 37.5/12 fittings is 5.26 m2 K/W.
Product | Dimensions (cm) | pcs/m2 | kg/pc | palette | piece / palette |
Durisol DSs 37,5/12 | 37,5x50x25 | 8 | 14 | EUR | 24 |
Tvarovka so šírkou 300 mm a vloženou izoláciou - sivým polystyrénom hr. 105 mm a betónovým jadrom 120 mm je vyhľadávanou voľbou pre realizáciu priemyselných budov a pre každého, kto plánuje vytvoriť obvodový plášť s kontaktným zatepľovacím systémom fasády. Oblasť použitia: priemyselné a kancelárske objekty, rodinné a bytové domy.
Produkt | Rozmery (cm) | ks/m2 | kg/ks | paleta | ks / paleta |
Durisol DSs 30/12 L | 30x50x25 | 8 | 8 | EUR | 30 |
Tvarovka so šírkou 380 mm s priebežným masívnym betónovým jadrom hrúbky 180 mm. Používa sa na vytváranie nosných stien. Na vnútorné nosné a deliace steny so zvýšenými nárokmi na zvukovú izoláciu. Na výstavbu rodinných domov, dvojdomov, viacpodlažných bytových domov, priemyselných a administratívnych budov či inštalačných stien. Debniaca tvarovka spolu s betónovým jadrom vytvára plnohodnotnú nosnú stenu.
Produkt | Rozmery (mm) | ks/m² | kg/ks | Paleta | ks/paleta |
Durisol DMi 38/18 | 380x500x250 | 8,0 | 32 | EUR | 30 |
Tvarovka so šírkou 315 mm s priebežným masívnym betónovým jadrom hrúbky 180 mm. Používa sa na vytváranie nosných stien. Na vnútorné nosné a deliace steny so zvýšenými nárokmi na zvukovú izoláciu. Na výstavbu rodinných domov, dvojdomov, viacpodlažných bytových domov, priemyselných a administratívnych budov či inštalačných stien. Debniaca tvarovka spolu s betónovým jadrom vytvára plnohodnotnú nosnú stenu.
Produkt | Rozmery (mm) | ks/m² | kg/ks | Paleta | ks/paleta |
Durisol DMi 31,5/18 | 315x500x250 | 8,0 | 22 | EUR | 30 |
Tvarovka šírky 250 mm s priebežným masívnym betónovým jadrom hrúbky 180 mm. Používa sa na obvodové a vnútorné nosné, deliace a medzibytové steny so zvýšenými nárokmi na statiku a zvukovú izoláciu. Priebežné betónové jadro, ktoré tvoria navzájom prepojené zvislé a vodorovné rebrá predurčuje tieto steny pre využitie aj v oblastiach ohrozených zemetrasením (podľa STN EN 1998-1). Táto tvarovka je vzhľadom na výbornú vzduchovú nepriezvučnosť (Rw=63 dB) a statické vlastnosti mimoriadne vhodná napr. aj na steny výťahových šácht.
Produkt | Rozmery (mm) | ks/m² | kg/ks | Paleta | ks/paleta |
Durisol DMi 25/18 | 250x500x250 | 8,0 | 12,0 | EUR | 40 |
Tvarovka so šírkou 200 mm s priebežným masívnym betónovým jadrom hrúbky 130 mm. Používa sa na vnútorné nosné, stužujúce a deliace steny so zvýšenými nárokmi na zvukovú izoláciu. Debniaca tvarovka spolu s betónovým jadrom vytvára plnohodnotnú nosnú stenu.
Produkt | Rozmery (mm) | ks/m² | kg/ks | Paleta | ks/paleta |
Durisol DMi 20/13 | 200x500x250 | 8,0 | 11,0 | EUR | 50 |
Tvarovka so šírkou 170 mm s priebežným masívnym betónovým jadrom hrúbky 120 mm. Používa sa na vnútorné nosné, stužujúce a deliace steny so zvýšenými nárokmi na zvukovú izoláciu. Debniaca tvarovka spolu s betónovým jadrom vytvára plnohodnotnú nosnú stenu.
Produkt | Rozmery (mm) | ks/m² | kg/ks | Paleta | ks/paleta |
Durisol DMi 17/12 | 170x500x250 | 8,0 | 9,0 | EUR | 60 |
Tvarovka so šírkou 150 mm s priebežným masívnym betónovým jadrom hrúbky 90 mm. Používa sa na nenosné steny, priečky, šachty a prímurovky so zvýšenými nárokmi na zvukovú izoláciu. Debniaca tvarovka spolu s betónovým jadrom vytvára plnohodnotnú stenovú konštrukciu.
Produkt | Rozmery (mm) | ks/m² | kg/ks | Paleta | ks/paleta |
Durisol DM 15/9 | 150x500x250 | 8,0 | 6,0 | EUR | 70 |
Do not hesitate to contact our sales managers directly, who will help you choose the right fittings or garden elements and solve all your requirements.
Contact our product manager directly, who will prepare an estimate of the material according to your project, help you with planning or consult with you professionally on the entire construction.
Ing. Peter Turan
Tel.: +421 910 917 284
E-mail: peter.turan@leier.sk